Jekyll Manager - Containers

Container components which connect the presentational components to Redux.

Container for listing all of routes’ links.
The links are dynamically rendered based on individual category size. e.g. The link to /datafiles won’t be rendered if there are no data files at the site’s source.

Tip: In the above case, create a new data file via the Dashboard


  site: Object,  // Filtered cummulative payload data of current site
  config: Object // Current site's configuration data

Container for displaying header which includes title, homepage link and the current version of the admin interface.


  admin: Object, // Meta info regarding the admin interface
  config: Object // Current site's configuration data


Main container for metafields. Generates list, object or plain inputs for front matters other than title, body, path and draft. Doubles as a GUI to edit data files. The GUI will parse the input and write valid YAML to file, consequently removing any comments previously present, and also converting boolean to string literals i.e. true & false will be written as 'true' and 'false'.


  fields: Object,
  metadata: Object,
  key_prefix: String,
  storeContentFields: Function,
  addField: Function,
  removeField: Function,
  updateFieldKey: Function,
  updateFieldValue: Function,
  moveArrayItem: Function,
  convertField: Function,
  dataview: Boolean,              // *Optional*
  type: String,                   // *Optional*
  fetchMeta: Function,            // *Optional*
  appMeta: Object                 // *Optional*


Container for showing notifications at the right bottom of the screen


  notification: Object

The following contain views linked with the routes.


Container for Configuration view. Consists of a raw-text-editor, a YAML GUI-editor, a toggle button to switch between the two editors, and a save button.

The save button is activated when either of the editors change.

While the raw-text-editor will output raw-content as entered into the editor, the GUI-editor will output YAML data parsed from the input values which will result in removal of any existing comments and any extra spaces around the colon following the config key.


  config: Object,
  onEditorChange: Function,
  putConfig: Function,
  error: String,
  updated: Boolean,
  editorChanged: Boolean,
  fieldChanged: Boolean,
  errors: Array,
  clearErrors: Function,
  router: Object,
  route: Object


Container for Pages view. Lists available pages and directories.


  pages: Array,
  fetchPages: Function,
  deletePage: Function,
  isFetching: Boolean,
  search: Function,
  params: Object


Container for editing a page.


  page: Object,
  fetchPage: Function,
  deletePage: Function,
  putPage: Function,
  updateTitle: Function,
  updateBody: Function,
  updatePath: Function,
  clearErrors: Function,
  isFetching: Boolean,
  errors: Array,
  fieldChanged: Boolean,
  updated: Boolean,
  params: Object,
  router: Object,
  route: Object,
  new_field_count: Number // *Optional*


Container for creating a new page.


  putPage: Function,
  updateTitle: Function,
  updateBody: Function,
  updatePath: Function,
  clearErrors: Function,
  errors: Array,
  fieldChanged: Boolean,
  updated: Boolean,
  params: Object,
  router: Object,
  route: Object,
  new_field_count: Number  // *Optional*


Container for Documents view. Lists documents and directories of a collection.


  currentDocuments: Array,
  fetchCollection: Function,
  deleteDocument: Function,
  search: Function,
  isFetching: Boolean,  
  params: Object


Container for editing a document.


  currentDocument: Object,
  fetchDocument: Function,
  deleteDocument: Function,Boolean,
  putDocument: Function,
  updateTitle: Function,
  updateBody: Function,
  updatePath: Function,
  clearErrors: Function,
  isFetching: Boolean,
  errors: Array,
  fieldChanged: Boolean,
  updated: Boolean,
  params: Object


Container for creating a new document.


  putDocument: Function,
  updateTitle: Function,
  updateBody: Function,
  updatePath: Function,
  updateDraft: Function,
  clearErrors: Function,
  errors: Array,
  fieldChanged: Boolean


Container for DataFiles view. Lists data files.


  files: Array,
  fetchDataFiles: Function,
  deleteDataFile: Function,
  search: Function,
  isFetching: Boolean,
  search: Function,
  params: Object


Container for editing a data file. Supports editing via a raw text editor or a YAML editor GUI.


  datafile: Object,
  isFetching: Boolean,
  updated: Boolean,
  datafileChanged: Boolean,
  fieldChanged: Boolean,
  fetchDataFile: Function,
  putDataFile: Function,
  deleteDataFile: Function,
  clearErrors: Function,
  onDataFileChanged: Function,
  errors: Array,
  params: Object,
  router: Object,
  route: Object


Container for creating a new data file.

Includes a GUI Editor for easily creating YAML or JSON data files. Simply input the file’s basename, the filetype (YAML or JSON) and data. The GUI will create the corresponding file with suitable extensions. CSV files cannot be created via the GUI Editor.


  datafile: Object,
  putDataFile: Function,
  onDataFileChanged: Function,
  clearErrors: Function,
  errors: Array,
  updated: Boolean,
  datafileChanged: Boolean,
  params: Object,
  router: Object,
  route: Object
  fieldChanged: Boolean // optional


Container for StaticFiles view. Lists all of static files and let users upload/delete static files. It uses react-dropzone for drag & drop file uploading. Uploaded files are previewed via FilePreview component.


  files: Array,
  fetchStaticFiles: Function,
  uploadStaticFiles: Function,
  deleteStaticFile: Function,
  search: Function,
  isFetching: Boolean,


Component for 404 page. react-router renders this component for all non-existing routes.