Jekyll Manager - Actions

Actions are payloads of information that send data from the application to the store.



Async action for fetching an object comprised of Jekyll project configuration (from _config.yml by default)

putConfig(config, source='editor')

Async action for updating Jekyll project configuration, after ensuring the content is not empty. source denotes whether the point of origin is the Editor component (editor) or DataGUI (gui).


Action for checking whether the YAML editor has content.


Action for notifying whether the YAML editor has changed after last update


fetchPages(directory = '')

Async action for fetching an array of page objects in a directory.

fetchPage(directory, filename)

Async action for fetching the requested page in a directory.

putPage(mode, directory, filename)

Async action for creating and updating the requested page.
The content comes from state.metadata. If the path is nil, it is auto-generated from the title.

mode may either be create or any other appropriate string (e.g. ‘edit’).

deletePage(directory, filename)

Async action for deleting the requested page in a directory. After deletion, page list is requested.



Async action for fetching an array of the registered collections (including posts).

fetchCollection(collection_name, directory = '')

Async action for fetching documents and directories of the requested collection inside the requested directory.

fetchDocument(collection_name, directory, filename)

Async action for fetching the requested document in a directory. The response includes the document body.

putDocument(mode, collection_name, directory, filename = '')

Async action for creating and updating the requested document. The content comes from state.metadata. If the filename is not provided, it is auto-generated from the title. The response includes the document body.

mode may either be publish, or create, or any other appropriate string (e.g. ‘edit’).

publish - special create mode for converting a draft into a post.

deleteDocument(collection_name, directory, filename)

Async action for deleting the document in a directory from disk. After deletion, collection documents are requested.


fetchDrafts(directory = ‘’)

Async action for fetching an array of drafts inside given subdirectory. Empty parameter returns drafts at the root of _drafts/

fetchDraft(directory, filename)

Async action for fetching requested draft in a subdirectory

putDraft(mode, directory, filename = ‘’)

Async action for creating and updating a draft in a given subdirectory.
The content comes from state.metadata. If the path is nil, it is auto-generated from the title.

mode may either be create or any other appropriate string (e.g. ‘edit’).

deleteDraft(directory, filename)

Async action for deleting the requested draft in a sub-directory. After deletion, drafts list is requested.



Action that puts the current document’s meta in the redux store.


Action that adds empty value to given path in metadata.

removeField(namePrefix, key)

Action that removes the field with the given key. key can be object key or array index.

updateFieldKey(namePrefix, fieldKey, newKey)

Action that updates the key of the field with given path in metadata.

updateFieldValue(nameAttr, value)

Action that updates the value of the field with given path in metadata.

moveArrayItem(namePrefix, srcInd, targetInd)

Action that moves the array item of the field with given path in metadata to the target index.

convertField(nameAttr, convertType)

Action that converts the field to the given type.


Updates the content title when the input changes.


Updates the content body when the markdown editor changes.

updateTemplate(prop, value)

Updates the template state object. Currently used mainly to denote whether the template contains front matter dashes or not.


Updates the content path when the input changes.

Static Files

fetchStaticFiles(directory = '')

Async action for fetching static files in a given directory.

uploadStaticFiles(directry, files)

Async action for uploading multiple static files to the given directory at the same time. It encodes the uploaded File objects to base64 before sending PUT request.

deleteStaticFile(directory, filename)

Async action for deleting the requested static file. After deletion, static file list is requested.

Data Files

fetchDataFiles(directory = '')

Async action for fetching data files in a directory. null value for directory returns files in the configured data directory (_data/ by default).

fetchDataFile(directory, filename)

Async action for fetching the requested data file in a directory.

putDataFile(directory, filename, data, new_path = '', source = 'editor')

Async action for creating and updating the requested data file in a directory. It validates the given filename and data before the PUT request.

Optional parameter new_path will update the data file’s path metadata. Optional parameter source can be set to gui, to create or update the requested file by parsing user input into valid YAML.

deleteDataFile(directory, filename)

Async action for deleting the requested data file in a directory. After deletion, the root data file list is requested.


Action for keeping track of the updated form fields.


Set of actions related to special directories (_layouts, _includes, _sass and assets), when they exist at the root of the site’s source directory, and their contents.

fetchTemplates(directory = ‘’)

Async action for fetching an array of template files and sub-directories within given template directory.
Request with an empty parameter returns an array of available template directories.

fetchTemplate(directory, filename)

Async action for fetching the requested template file in a subdirectory within a given template directory.

putTemplate(mode, directory, filename = ‘’, include_front_matter = true)

Async action for creating and updating the requested template file in a subdirectory with a given template directory.

mode may be either create or any other appropriate string (e.g. ‘edit’)
include_front_matter determines whether front_matter is included in the request or not.

deleteTemplate(directory, filename)

Async action for deleting the requested template file in a subdirectory within a given template directory.

Theme Gem

fetchTheme(directory = '')

Async action for fetching theme files in a directory.
Empty parameter fetches the theme’s metadata as well as a list of available directories.

fetchThemeItem(directory, filename)

Async action for fetching the requested theme file in a directory.

putThemeItem(directory, filename, data)

Async action for copying a theme-file to the same path relative to the site’s source directory.



Async action that fetches a filtered aggregate of the current site’s internal payload.



Action for storing search input from the user


Action for storing form errors.


Action for clearing form errors if any.


addNotification(title, message, level)

Action for adding a notification